Coach Bus
Coach Bus Transportation Services
Ride N’ Relax provides coach bus service. Seating 56 passengers! Providing rides to and from LAX! All Southern California cruise ports! Disneyland! All theme parks! Sporting events! So Fi Stadium! Crypto Arena! Dodger Stadium!
What to Look For
When choosing a coach bus service, choose proven professionals! MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE TCP! CURRENT AND ACTIVE DOT! CA NUMBER MUST BE CURRENT AND ACTIVE! PROPERLY LICENSED AND COMMERCIALLY INSURED Why because you deserve the best! Read what other customers are saying about the company! Do they show up? Are they on time? Up to date late model equipment? Are drivers drug tested and properly licensed?
You want to choose a company with a proven safety record! Making sure that their equipment is inspected daily before every trip! Well maintained equipment! The company has all safety records and paperwork on file! Proper logs making sure that drivers are DOT compliant with their driving hours! You don’t want tired and overworked drivers! A safe and comfortable work environment for those drivers. Drivers need as less stress as possible! Because you deserve safety!
Airport Transportation
The company must be compliant with airport rules! All airport shuttle services must have proper airport permits! Companies must have “A” rated insurance in order to get an airport permit! The company should track all arrival flights! Making sure that they are there when you land! Being on time is mandatory! ESPECIALLY when you are going to catch a flight!
Who wants to be on a dirty coach? All vehicles should be clean! Smoke Free! Restrooms should be clean and inspected before and after every trip! You deserve to be on a spotless and clean coach! The coach should always smell good!
All coaches should be inspected before every ride! Everything should be in excellent working condition! Inside of the coach should be inspected! Seatbelts! Lighting! AC/Heating! All gauges should be working properly! Seats are properly mounted and secure! Emergency exits properly marked! Buzzers are working! BRAKES ARE A MUST THAT THEY BE WORKING AND CHECKED EVERYDAY! Outside of the coach should be inspected everyday! Looking for wear and tear! Leaks, broken and torn hoses! Tires have no punctures and pressure is correct per the manufactures suggestions! The ENTIRE COACH NEEDS TO BE INSPECTED EVERYDAY! ALL FIXES NEED TO BE DONE ASAP!
Services Provided
Airport shuttle service! Hotel and pick up and drop off! Disneyland shuttle service! Concerts and special events! Cruise line pick up and drop off! Las Vegas! Newport Beach!
Airport Serviced
Los Angeles International Airport, LAX! Long Beach Daugherty Field! John Wayne Santa Ana Airport! Burbank Bob Hope! Millionaire! JSX Airlines! All Signature airports! Atlantic Aviation!